The project starts with the selection of easy-to-read methods and Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems that will be applied throughout the life of the project.
In parallel, we begin to design a database of entries of terms related to heritage that will be “translated” to easy to read and understand language.
In each country a group of people with cognitive difficulties has been selected to carry out the validation of the database entries.
Double validation.
After the adaptation of the text, a validation is made by people with cognitive difficulties to analyse whether the term and/or Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems is understandable. If necessary, proceed to reformulation. Another validation is needed to guarantee that the meaning of the adapted term is the same that the original one.
Once validated, the entries will be incorporated into the database, which will be configured as an accessible heritage dictionary with easily understood texts and, where appropriate, Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems.
The database will be fed (with the described selection-validation procedure) throughout all the life of the project until at least the 400 entries marked as the objective of the project are achieved. Participating entities commit to continue feeding the database two years after the completion of the project.
Accessible heritage
The partner organizations have proposed, in each of the participating localities, a heritage element on which they work throughout the project to make it accessible from the cognitive point of view.
That means that we will work with elements of the heritage of Burgos, Rome, Foligno, Limassol and Krupina.
Manual and training actions
Taking as a basis the agreed methodology, the database and the needs of people with cognitive difficulties, a manual for heritage professionals and training actions in cognitive accessibility and cultural heritage will be designed. Courses will be implemented at local level. The methodology will be validated at transnational level.
It will be designed and executed by people with intellectual and developmental disabilities themselves, will be based on the documentation of good practices and proposals for improvement in the area of accessibility of cultural heritage made by people with cognitive problems. Social networks will be used as support.