Corsi disponibili

Questo corso è un'azione di formazione breve per professionisti che lavorano con persone con disabilità (educatori, formatori, assistenti e care givers) al fine di integrare il patrimonio culturale nei programmi di supporto e sviluppo personale, nonché nelle attività di tempo libero delle persone con disabilità intellettive o dello sviluppo.

L'attestato di frequenza sarà acquisito dopo il completamento del MOOC e il test finale.

Carico di lavoro stimato: 20 ore

Visita il sito web del progetto e la pagina Facebook

This course is a (short) training action for professionals working with people with disabilities (educators, trainers) to integrate cultural heritage into personal development programs, as well as in leisure programs dedicated to people with intellectual or developmental disabilities.

The attendance certificate will be acquired after the completion of the MOOC and the final test.

Estimated workload: 20 hours

Visit the project website and the Facebook page

El proyecto ACCEASY tiene como objetivo desarrollar una metodología y herramientas que promuevan un patrimonio europeo inclusivo y accesible para las personas con dificultades cognitivas, que faciliten la plena participación de estas personas en la sociedad y que pongan en valor el patrimonio cultural europeo.

El alcance del Curso de Formación en Accesibilidad Cognitiva es ofrecer pautas y recomendaciones para hacer accesible el patrimonio, aplicables en la actividad diaria de los profesionales del sector del patrimonio, que se basarán en el Manual ACCEASY y en la Base de Datos ACCEASY; se desarrolla con la colaboración de profesionales del patrimonio y de personas con discapacidad intelectual.

El certificado de asistencia sólo se entregará una vez completado el MOOC y el ejercicio final.

Carga de trabajo estimada: 20 horas

Visita el sitio web del proyecto ; y la página de Facebook

The ACCEASY Project aims to develop a methodology and tools that promote an inclusive and Accessible European heritage and people with cognitive difficulties, facilitate the full participation of these people in society, and value European cultural heritage.

The scope of the Cognitive Accessibility Training Course is to offer guidelines and recommendations to make the heritage accessible, applicable in the daily activities of professionals in the heritage sector, which will be based on the ACCEASY Manual and the ACCEASY Database; it is developed with the collaboration of heritage professionals and people with intellectual disabilities. 

The certificate of attendance will be given only once the MOOC and the final exercise have been completed.

Estimated workload: 20 hours

Visit the project website and the Facebook page